radioactivity alert in a factory, no contaminated employee

A radioactivity detection alarm went off on Friday morning in the LME foundry plant in Trith-Saint-Léger, near Valenciennes, in the North, we learned on Tuesday from the prefecture North. The alert led to the interruption of operation of the plant, but the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) confirmed “the absence of danger for the populations”.

A positive radioactivity measurement near the factory

“An abnormal level of radioactivity was detected on residues (dust) coming from the production line. A dumpster containing these residues sent to a treatment center was also secured. Radiological checks were carried out attesting to the accidental melting of Cesium 137. The origin and characteristics of this source are not known at this stage, ”the prefecture underlined in a press release.

The incident was rated 1 on a scale of 8 levels, 1 corresponding to an anomaly and 7 to a major accident. IRSN experts went to the site to take additional measurements.

None of the factory’s 98 employees was infected. On the other hand, one of the radioactivity measurements carried out near the plant was found to be positive. “Additional investigations have been initiated, assures the prefecture. The results will be available in a few days. “

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