Radio plays for children: 10 stories for little listeners

The magic of storytelling: ten beautiful radio plays for children

Mom and Dad don’t always have to read the story aloud, radio plays are just as popular with children

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Children love to listen to stories, to think about what their favorite characters might look like or to sing along to the theme song. Radio plays are therefore a wonderful way to keep the little ones in the family occupied. Read here which ten radio plays are popular with children.

Many a car trip or a boring rainy day go by in a flash when the real radio play is playing. Children just love to listen to stories and to immerse themselves in new worlds full of fantasy. Because tastes are different, there are numerous radio plays for children: from exciting adventure stories to imaginative fairy tales to exciting detective stories. Here you can find out what goes down best with the little ones and which children’s radio plays are among the absolute classics. You have the choice between classic radio play CDs and digital streaming offers.

At Audible, for example, you can download one free radio play for children per month, which you can continue to use even after you cancel your subscription. You can get most audiobooks for children for half the credit. That means, for a normal subscription credit you get two children’s audiobooks. here you can test Audible free of charge for 30 days.

1. Harry Potter

The story of the young wizard student Harry Potter has been loved by several generations. Harry had actually thought he was a perfectly normal boy. But on his eleventh birthday he learns that he will soon be attending Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. Because Harry is a wizard and so begins a new life for him. Numerous adventures follow and Harry gets to know the best friends he could wish for.

2. Pippi Longstocking

The strongest girl in the world lives in Sweden in the Villa Kunterbunt together with her animal friends, the horse “Little Uncle” and the monkey “Mr. Nilsson”. Her name is Pippilotta Viktualia Rollgardina Peppermint Ephraim’s Daughter Longstocking, or Pippi Longstocking for short. With her friends Thomas and Annika, Pippi experiences new adventures every day. In total, the author Astrid Lindgren has published three volumes: “Pippi Longstocking”, “Pippi Longstocking goes on board” and “Pippi in Taka-Tuka-Land”.

3. Bullerbü to Lönneberga

Astrid Lindgren has not only created a character that is popular around the world with Pippi Longstocking, but has also published other works that tell wonderful stories by and for children. These include, for example, the “Children from Bullerbü” or “Michel from Lönneberga”. Lindgren’s characters are lovingly told and experience all kinds of adventures in beautiful Sweden. The radio play “From Bullerbü to Lönneberga. The most beautiful stories from Astrid Lindgren” includes various stories and visits Lotta in Krachmacherstraße as well as Ronja the robber’s daughter in Bärenhöhle.

4. Emil and the detectives

Erich Kästner’s “Emil and the Detectives” accompanies little Emil to big Berlin. On the train ride, the money for grandma is stolen from him by the thief Grundis. But Emil quickly takes up the chase. He courageously follows the culprit and receives support from a Berlin gang of children. Kästner’s novel was published in 1929 and remains a timeless story about courage and solidarity today.

5. Lord of Thieves

In the “Lord of Thieves” author Cornelia Funke takes you to Venice. The audience is accompanied by the brothers Bo and Prosper, who make friends with a thieving youth gang in the floating city, whose masked leader is the eponymous lord of thieves. The story is a great adventure with exciting twists in the plot that will delight small radio play fans.

6. The 30 best fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm

In this radio play, 30 of the most beautiful and best-known fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm were re-recorded. The fairy tales were spoken by five different voice actors, so that there is a lot of variety in terms of voice. In terms of content, the narrators stick to the original works, although some passages have been slightly modernized so that today’s children have no problems understanding. There are fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty, Puss In Boots, Rapunzel or Snow White and Rose Red.

7. Nils Holgersson

Little Nils Holgersson’s wonderful journey begins on the back of Gans Martin. Because after the cheeky Nils has let out his viciousness on an imp, the latter turns the boy himself into a little elf. From now on, the shrunken Nils has to cope with his new height. He depends on the help of goose Martin and so the two join a flock of wild geese on their way to Lapland. In this way, Nils learns to love and respect the animals, which will soon become his new family.

8. The three ???

Children love exciting detective stories and therefore the three question marks should not be missing here. “The three ???” are the symbol of the junior detective team Justus, Peter and Bob from Rocky Beach, California. They have their origins in the USA, the first volume translated into German appeared in 1968 under the name “Die Drei ??? und das Gespensterschloss”. Together, the three detectives experience a wide variety of adventures and solve mysterious cases.

9. Little dragon coconut

The stories about the little dragon coconut are particularly suitable for little radio play fans. Together with his friends Mathilda and Oskar, the little dragon experiences many adventures on Dragon Island. Children especially love the catchy theme song to sing after.

10. Janosch: Oh, how beautiful is Panama

The Janosch children’s radio play classics touch the heart, because when the best friends, Little Tiger and Little Bear, invent new things or discover new places, little listeners are especially excited. One day the Little Bear fishes an empty wooden box labeled “Panama” out of the river. He tells his friend Little Tiger about it and the next day the two of them set off for Panama.

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