Radical Young Theater Festival in Munich: Audience Award goes to “Blood Book” – Munich

This year, 14 productions were invited to the Munich Volkstheater’s “Radikal Jung” festival, and “Blood Book” played its way into the hearts of more than 5,000 visitors. Jan Friedrich’s adaptation of Kim de L’Horizon’s novel at the Magdeburg Theater won the Audience Prize worth 4,000 euros, donated by the Association of Friends of the Volkstheater. The audience’s choice reflects the tenor of the festival well.

“Blood Book” describes a search for identity between the genders, is painful and merciless, a dark, crazy and sometimes funny song from the marginalized edge of mainstream society. Jan Friedrich’s production does not turn it into a socio-political pamphlet, it remains rather personal. Just as many of the invited works dealt with body and role images. Of course, society always plays a role in this, but the starting point is your own experience. Only the house production “The Big Booklet” talked about the war.

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