Radentscheid in Bavaria: referendum for new wheel law inadmissible – Bavaria

The planned referendum for a new bike law failed before the Bavarian Constitutional Court. The conditions for admissibility are not met, said court president Hans-Joachim Hessler on Wednesday in Munich. The court justified this in particular with the fact that some of the required regulations would interfere with the legislative competence of the federal government.

The Ministry of the Interior had also considered the referendum to be inadmissible and therefore submitted the application to the Constitutional Court for a decision.

The initiators had collected more than 100,000 signatures for the application for the referendum in the fall – more than four times as many as necessary. The initiators demanded a new bike law from the state and a change in other regulations, such as the road and road law. Their goal: the construction, conversion and expansion as well as the renovation of cycle paths. Your bill has now failed.

A good two weeks ago, the CSU and Free Voters proactively presented their own draft for a new bicycle law. By 2030, 1,500 kilometers of new cycle paths and a nationwide cycle connection network are to be created in Bavaria. However, the draft law does not go far enough for the initiators of the cycling referendum. They also criticize not having been involved in the drafting of the desired bicycle law.

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