Racist insults, beatings… A young man files a complaint after a violent arrest, the IGPN seized

Suspicions of police violence dating back to last April, near the Champs-Elysées. A procedure was opened by the Paris prosecutor’s office, as indicated The Parisian. The public prosecutor confirmed “that an investigation into violence by a person holding public authority is being carried out under the direction of the Paris public prosecutor’s office” with the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN).

As part of this procedure, a man aged 23, of Moroccan nationality and residing in Seine-et-Marne, as confirmed by his lawyer with 20 minutes, was invited to file a complaint on October 30 with the IGPN. According to his statement, the young man assures that when he left a restaurant in April in Paris with friends, he was insulted, in particular with racist or homophobic remarks, by men in civilian clothes, who ended up wearing a police armband and hit him several times, via “elbows and pies in the face”.

Marked by the inconsistencies in the initial version, an officer makes a report

When arrested, he also accuses one of these police officers of having slipped a knife into a pocket of his jacket during his placement in police custody, during which he had denounced the violence. According to his lawyer, Me Ilyacine Maallaoui, a judicial police officer who then interviewed him and viewed the video surveillance which contradicted the initial version of the police, allowed him to be released free.

The officer then made a report to the public prosecutor’s office, triggering the opening of the investigation entrusted to the IGPN. The young man did not want to file a complaint at the time, saying he “couldn’t do much,” but ended up doing so on October 30.

According to Me Maallaoui, “without the probity of the judicial police officer who interviewed him and viewed the cameras, my client would have been prosecuted for contempt and undoubtedly convicted by the court. » Asked by AFP, the police headquarters has not yet responded.

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