Rachel Keke, who claims to have “changed”, admits having shared old messages of support for Marine Le Pen

Posts, old, which “absolutely do not reflect” his “political fight” today. Nupes-LFI MP Rachel Keke admitted having shared messages of support for Marine Le Pen or the Syrian regime several years ago.

In a message on his page Facebook Wednesday night, the new MP for Val-de-Marne, explains that for the past few days she has suffered “attacks on social networks, particularly from the far right, aimed at (her) destabilizing and (her) discrediting”. He is notably accused, according to screenshots, of having published messages of support for the leader of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, or for the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, accused of “crimes against the ‘humanity’, after the conflict in Syria in 2011 which claimed half a million lives.

Rachel Keke does not deny these messages, but claims to have changed. “A few years ago, I shared posts on Facebook that absolutely do not reflect who I am and what I defend today in my political fight”, writes the one who intends to bring the voice of “invisible” workers to the Assembly. “I learned a lot from my union involvement and the struggle at the Ibis Batignolles”, adds the former spokesperson for the long strike of chambermaids at the Ibis hotel in Batignolles, which beat the former Sports Minister Roxana Maracineanu.

Rachel Keke affirms, “as an elected representative of La France insoumise and Nupes”, to share “fully the fights and the values ​​​​of these organizations which have made up this beautiful union of the left”. “There is no ground possible with the extreme right. Racist, sexist and LGBT-phobic ideas must be fought relentlessly. The struggle continues,” she concludes.

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