Quit Smoking: Combat Nicotine Addiction | STERN.de

Even as the number of smokers decreases, millions of people are still addicted to nicotine. So a good resolution for 2021 would be to declare war on the glowing stick. You can find out which tips can help here.

According to the Epidemiological Addiction Survey (ESA) there are around twelve million smokers in Germany alone – based on the total population, 26 percent of men and 20 percent of women smoke (as of 2018). Is this allowed statistics Believe it, fewer and fewer people will take up cigarettes in the next few years. But how many smokers actually manage to completely shut down their nicotine consumption on the first try? In fact, only three to five percent succeed, all others need an average of six to eight attempts until they are no longer attached to the glowing stick. If you are also considering quitting smoking, the following tips may help you with this.

1. Use helpful reading

Which smoker does not wish to be able to give up his nicotine addiction within a few weeks without great effort? The book “Finally non-smokers! The easy way to quit smoking” promises everyone who will be able to use the “Easyway” method to overcome their physical and psychological addiction in just a short time. If the customer ratings are to be believed, the guiding principle does not seem to be a loose promise. You can get the book here.

2. Out of sight, out of mind

If you really want to quit smoking, you should get rid of everything that reminds you of cigarettes from your home: from ashtrays and lighters to tobacco and rolling papers. And since you will almost certainly think about smoking anyway, it is important to distract yourself, especially at the beginning. Find new tasks, do new things or meet friends.

3. Celebrate small successes

The first few days in particular are particularly tough for long-term smokers, as they not only have to fight against their addiction, but also against withdrawal symptoms. Exercise can help you burn off your excess energy and be distracted, and you can also reward yourself for your stamina – and save money every day, which you can invest in a nice dinner or a visit to the cinema, for example.

4. Breaking bad habits

Most smokers have set rituals that they always light a cigarette for. Be it after the morning cup of coffee, after every meal or even after every sip of alcohol. For this reason, you should avoid anything that you associate with nicotine, especially in the beginning. Switch to tea in the morning, chew gum after every meal, and avoid alcoholic beverages.

5. None instead of one

Once you have made up your mind to quit smoking, you need to stay strong. If you only want to slowly reduce your cigarette consumption, that’s okay, but you should give up any further cigarettes at the latest when you have not smoked at all for a day. If you only start to set a daily limit of two or three cigarettes a day, it quickly becomes more and in the end you are back at the beginning.

6. Feel the benefits

As soon as you have managed to go without your glow sticks for a few days, the first benefits are noticeable. One of the reasons for this is that your airway function improves after just three days of smoking free. After a week you will get lower blood pressure and after nine months you will be coughing significantly less as the mucus loosens from your lungs. So stay tuned!

7. Include family and friends

Use your family environment to receive support from all sides in the company to quit smoking. The more people you initiate into your plan, the more mental support you will get. That being said, you will surely empower friends and family members to successfully combat your addiction and also help you stop relapsing.

8. Live longer

Always bear in mind what it means for you and your health when you quit smoking. Not only do non-smokers live longer, they also lower the risk of getting seriously ill. Your skin will thank you as much as your lungs, but so will your family and partner. Apart from that, your sense of smell and taste will improve significantly, so that you can enjoy delicious food even more.

9. Chew gum

There are people who can quit smoking overnight – but this is the exception rather than the rule. If you do not feel confident about radical withdrawal, you can also try gradually to reduce your nicotine consumption. This should help Chewing gum or this band Aid by Nicorette. The manufacturer himself points out that his products are more for irregular smokers.

10. Eating vs. exercise

Many smokers fear that they will gain significantly if they give up cigarettes. Because cold withdrawal or renouncing nicotine actually increases your appetite at the beginning. However, you can counteract this by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. This will reduce the risk of automatically gaining a few pounds when you stop smoking.

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