quickly uninstall this malicious app downloaded more than 100,000 times

If you have downloaded Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools on your phone, advice, uninstall it. This rogue app actually hides a Trojan that siphons off your Facebook credentials.

android app
Source: Rami Al-zayat via Unsplash

Unfortunately, unearthing malicious applications on the Google Play Store has become commonplace. Fortunately, they are not in the majority, but the risk exists. The latest find from Pradeo security researchers — explained via a blog post — is further proof of this.

These experts have unearthed an infected application by the name of Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools, which is primarily used to download an image to apply a cartoon-type filter to it. Problem: this app, downloaded more than 100,000 times, is able to steal your Facebook credentials.

A bogus login page

Like many apps today, Craftsart Cartoon Photo Tools requires you to log into your Facebook account to access its features. This is where the magic of hackers operates: the Facebook login page is actually fake and skilfully well imitated by hackers.

Malicious app
Source: Pradeo

In addition, a small piece of code has been entered so that it goes unnoticed vis-à-vis the protections of Google Play. It is therefore this code that allows them to collect the identification information. In short, the whole process seems to have been cleverly and underhandedly automated.

Still available on the Play Store as of March 21, according to several English-language media such as Bleeping Computer, the editing app has since been removed from Google’s app store. But it helps to draw everyone’s attention to the reliability of certain apps. However, remember to uninstall it if you are one of the victims.

What are the reflexes to have?

To better arm yourself against this kind of mishap, remember to look at the rating and comments of an application in case of slight doubt. To go further, you can also do a Google search on it or check if the contact details of the developer are consistent right after downloading, directly in the “Developer contact details“.

Obviously, if you’re affected, reset your Facebook password and enable two-factor authentication. To go further, we have also written a complete file for you help secure your smartphone, tablet or PC.

Researchers from Tel Aviv University released a report that Samsung shipped more than 100 million phones plagued with a security flaw. The Korean group has since fixed this vulnerability.
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