Quick Recipe: Delicious cheesecake with just three ingredients

Watch the video: Instant Cheesecake Recipe – This delicacy is made with just three ingredients. video source: RTL.de

Ingredients for four people:
– 3 eggs
– 120g chocolate white
– 120g cream cheese double cream level
1 Separate the eggs, place the egg whites in a larger bowl and place in the fridge.
2 Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius. Prepare a strip of baking paper approx. 20 cm high and 50 cm long.
3 Break up the white chocolate and place in a large aluminum bowl, then melt over a hot water bath. Mix until it forms a smooth mass.
4 Now take the three egg whites out of the fridge and beat them with a mixer until they form stiff peaks.
5 Now add the 120 g of cream cheese to the chocolate and mix well together.
6 Then add the three egg yolks and stir well until the mixture is homogeneous.
7 Then carefully fold in 1/3 of the beaten egg white and slowly mix well. Do the same with the other two thirds of the egg whites one after the other.
8th Rub the strip of parchment paper lightly with butter to allow the dough to move without breaking during baking.
9 the baking pan (15 cm, preferably with high edges) cover the bottom with a suitable circle cut out of baking paper and place the buttered strips on the side of the tin.
10 Pour the batter into the mold and tap the work surface a few times to allow any air bubbles to rise to the top.
11 Place the baking tin on a high baking tray and fill the tray with hot water. (Only so much that nothing spills over on the way to the oven 😉
12 Now the dough is baked in three phases: 15 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius, 15 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius, then turn off the heating completely and bake for another 15 minutes in the residual heat.
13 Then remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack.
14 You can dust the cake with powdered sugar if you like. Ready!

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