Queer representative: self-determination law: improvements required | STERN.de

Queer Officer
Self-determination law: improvements required

With the Self-Determination Act, it should be easier to change gender entries. photo

© Peter Steffen/dpa

No waiting time when changing the gender entry and a clear reference to the ban on discrimination: the queer officer still sees a need for changes to the Self-Determination Act.

The federal government’s queer commissioner, Sven Lehmann, is counting on improvements to the planned new self-determination law in the parliamentary process. Lehmann sees it as “great progress for fundamental and human rights” that people can change their gender entry by submitting an application to the registry office.

However, the Green politician is critical of the fact that this change should only take effect after three months. “I think that’s too long. When two people get married, the marriage isn’t valid until three months later,” Lehmann told the “Spiegel”.

Registry office procedures should be simplified

Lehmann also believes that the draft law, with a view to access to saunas or fitness studios, primarily refers to the domiciliary rights of the operators. “If people behave in abusive ways in the swimming pool or sauna, you can throw them out.” But you can’t turn someone away just because he or she is trans.

“In my view, the fact that the ban on discrimination always applies in addition to domestic law could be made clearer in the law so that there is no legal uncertainty,” said Lehmann.

Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) and Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) presented a draft of the law in early May. The traffic light parties had agreed on the project in their coalition agreement. According to the plans, everyone in Germany should in future be able to determine their gender and first name themselves and change them in a simple procedure at the registry office.

According to the Ministry of Family Affairs and Justice, the law is aimed at transgender, intersex and non-binary people.


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