Queen’s funeral: Before the state act: Trudeau sings “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the hotel bar

Queen’s Funeral
Before the state act: Trudeau sings “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the hotel bar

Justin Trudeau has sparked controversy after singing during his visit to the UK to mourn the Queen’s death. photo

© Efrem Lukatsky/AP/dpa

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sang a Queen song in a hotel bar during his visit to London for the Queen’s state funeral. Now his behavior is discussed.

Despite the sad occasion of his trip to London for Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn’t let himself be deterred from singing. A video circulated on Twitter of a casually dressed Trudeau performing the British band Queen’s hit “Bohemian Rhapsody” at the top of his lungs and body to a piano accompaniment. According to the BBC, the video was taken in a London hotel bar on Saturday night.

A spokesman for Trudeau’s office confirmed the musical performance, according to the report. The prime minister spent the evening with the Canadian delegation, which included musician Gregory Charles. He played the piano in the hotel lobby, whereupon members of the delegation – including the prime minister – joined in.

Inadequate behaviour?

A former Canadian ambassador to Israel, Vivian Bercovici, wrote on Twitter that such behavior was inappropriate during national mourning for the Queen, who was also head of state in Canada: “This is not about Justin. But he should grow up.” While some echoed her criticism, others rallied Trudeau. Music journalist Adam Feibel joked that Trudeau’s version of “Bohemian Rhapsody” was in no way disrespectful to the late Queen – rather to the band Queen.

BBC report Former Canadian Ambassador Tweet Tweet with video by Justin Trudeau


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