Queen Elizabeth II: Tom Cruise only steals the show for a short time

The Brits celebrate their Queen – but one almost stole the show from her

Queen Elizabeth II is celebrated attending the ‘A Gallop Through History’ show at Windsor Castle

© Steve Parsons/POOL/AFP

Actually, she should be the focus of the event: Queen Elizabeth II visited the Royal Windsor Horse Show on Sunday. A prominent Hollywood star drew attention to himself before the start.

It was an event to suit her taste: On Sunday evening, Queen Elizabeth II attended the closing event of the Royal Windsor Horse Show in honor of her platinum jubilee. “A Gallop Through History” was the title of the event.

The 96-year-old must have liked it: the monarch has long been known as a horse lover. A total of more than 1300 people and 500 horses were involved in the show, plus a children’s choir, a large orchestra – and some stars. Including Helen Mirren and Tom Cruise. The latter in particular aroused the enthusiasm of the onlookers who lined the streets of Windsor. Completely unshielded, the actor strolled through the west London town – wearing casual jeans and a navy blue jacket over a deep V-neck shirt.

In doing so, he attracted a great deal of attention. Many people wanted to touch the Hollywood star, who greeted some bystanders with the ghetto fist. Only with the help of police and security forces was Cruise able to make his way through the crowd.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise caused quite a stir on his way to the Royal Windsor Horse Show.

© Steve Parsons/PA Wire / DPA

Queen Elizabeth II was beaming from ear to ear

The engagement of the actor had been discussed controversially in advance: Some observers feared that his presence could overshadow the Queen’s platinum anniversary. Because Cruise still has enormous appeal.

In fact, the 59-year-old did not travel to the British capital especially for the Queen’s platinum anniversary: ​​his new film “Top Gun: Maverick” will premiere there on May 19. The organizers of “A Gallop Through History” took advantage of the moment and hired the actor. “We were lucky that Tom Cruise happened to be in town,” the Daily Mail quoted an employee as saying, “and he really wanted to take part.”

At the end of the day, however, it was the Queen who outshined everything: with a big smile on her face, she delighted onlookers. She obviously liked the horse show. On the other hand, Tom Cruise with his Hollywood smile does not match.

Source used: “Daily Mail”


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