Queen Elizabeth II: Queen spent the night in the hospital

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen spent the night in the hospital

After a canceled trip to Northern Ireland, the Queen spent one night in a hospital.

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Queen Elizabeth II spent the night in a hospital. She was back at Windsor Castle and in good shape.

After concerns about Queen Elizabeth II (95), Buckingham Palace announced that the British Queen spent the night on Thursday in a hospital. In a statement, from which, among other things, the “BBC” is quoted, it is said that the 95-year-old went to a clinic on Wednesday afternoon for “preliminary examinations”.

Doctors ordered several days of rest

Queen Elizabeth II then spent the night in the hospital and returned to Windsor Castle around noon on October 21. She is therefore in good shape. As early as the afternoon, she performed minor duties again, as the report continues. The stay had practical reasons.

The Queen, who had completed a number of appointments in the past few days, had previously canceled a visit to Northern Ireland that was due to begin on Wednesday. A spokesman for the palace had then said, according to the BBC, that the Queen “reluctantly accepted the medical advice to cut back on the coming days.” The British Queen is said to have been disappointed not to be able to visit Northern Ireland.


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