Queen Elizabeth II: Queen does not attend church services

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen does not attend church service

Queen Elizabeth II will not attend the Commonwealth Day service.

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A special service is held at Westminster Abbey on Commonwealth Day. Queen Elizabeth II will not be there.

The platinum anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II (95) is also celebrated with a special service on Commonwealth Day. The British Queen originally wanted to attend, but will not be there after all. The palace said in a statement that which is available, among other things, to the “Daily Mail”..

Prince Charles will represent the Queen

The Queen asked her eldest son, Prince Charles (73), to represent her at Westminster Abbey in London on Monday. It is not known why Elizabeth II will not attend the appointment. However, Buckingham Palace emphasized: “The Queen will carry out other planned engagements in the coming week, including personal audiences.”

According to the announcement, in addition to the prince, Charles’ wife, Duchess Camilla (74), Prince William (39) and Duchess Kate (40) will also be present on March 14th. The service will be televised live by the British BBC. The whole thing will also be available on the broadcaster’s YouTube channel.

Queen Elizabeth II had recently been infected with the corona virus, as the court confirmed on February 20. She was suffering from “slight, cold-like symptoms,” it said at the time. In her first personal audience after her illness, the Queen recently received Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (50) at Windsor Castle.


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