Queen Elizabeth II: Monarch begins summer break in Balmoral

Queen Elizabeth II
Monarch begins summer break at Balmoral

The Queen is on summer break.

© imago images/i Images

The Queen has traveled to Scotland, where she traditionally spends her summer holidays. She will stay in Balmoral for several weeks.

Queen Elizabeth II (96) has traveled to her Scottish residence Balmoral. This is reported by the “Daily Mail”. The monarch traditionally spends her summer vacation on the property. There she can probably also recover from the heat wave with temperatures of over 40 degrees, which recently caused people in England to create problems. It’s a lot cooler in Aberdeenshire, which includes Balmoral.

In Balmoral there are said to have been a number of conversion measures in recent years. Among other things, a wheelchair-accessible elevator was allegedly installed in the associated country house, Craigowan Lodge. The Queen has been struggling with mobility issues for several months. Close to Balmoral Castle, Craigowan Lodge is a rustic stone house that could host the Queen at the start of her summer vacation as parts of the residence remain open to visitors until August 2nd.

Meeting with Lance Corporal Cruachan IV

When the Queen arrives in Balmoral for her summer holiday, there is usually a small welcome ceremony. At last year’s, the Queen inspected an honor guard and met the Royal Regiment of Scotland’s mascot, Shetland pony Lance Corporal Cruachan IV.

The monarch retreated to Balmoral for a few days at the end of May this year to rest and prepare for the celebrations of her platinum jubilee in June. The Scottish estate has served the British royal family as a private retreat for more than 150 years. In the next few weeks, the Queen is expected to receive a visit from her royal relatives. Prince Charles (73), Duchess Camilla (75) and Prince William (40), Duchess Kate (40) and their three children Prince George (9), Princess Charlotte (7) and Prince Louis (4) could have some free time with the head of the family spend.


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