Queen Elizabeth II has Corona: Boris Johnson and Co. send recovery wishes

Queen Elizabeth II has Corona
Boris Johnson and Co. send get well wishes

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Queen Elizabeth II at an appointment in Cornwall.

© imago/UPI Photo

Boris Johnson sent recovery wishes to the Queen who was suffering from Corona. Other celebrities also spoke out.

Shortly after Queen Elizabeth II’s corona infection became known, several politicians and celebrities sent their wishes for recovery to the 95-year-old monarch.

Among them is British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (57), who writes on Twitter: “I am sure I speak for all in wishing Her Majesty the Queen a speedy recovery from Covid and a speedy return to vibrant, good health.”

British Labor leader Keir Starmer (59) had previously tweetedthat he wished the monarch a speedy recovery on behalf of his party: “Get well soon, ma’am.” Home Secretary Priti Patel (49) wrote: “I wish Her Majesty a speedy recovery. God protect the Queen.” Many other members of the British Parliament also joined in wishing Queen Elizabeth II a speedy recovery.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan (51) recalled via Twitterthat “The commitment Her Majesty The Queen has shown to our country is unwavering”. He wished her a “quick and safe recovery”.

The get well wishes via Twitter Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (49) also agrees: “I wish Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II a speedy and full recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.” WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (56) wrote: “My best wishes for a speedy recovery from Covid-19 to Her Majesty The Queen.”

Piers Morgan finds the Queen’s Covid disease ‘worrying’

Among the celebrities who joined the get well wishes was former soccer player Gary Lineker (61): “I wish her a speedy and full recovery”, he wrote on Twitter.

TV presenter and commentator Piers Morgan (56) tweeted: “I wish Her Majesty the Queen a full and speedy recovery from Covid-19. It is worrying for any 95 year old person to contract this virus and a very worrying time for Britain if it is our monarch. Much Good luck, ma’am.”

mild symptoms

The palace had previously announced that Queen Elizabeth II had tested positive for the corona virus. The 95-year-old monarch, who is celebrating her platinum jubilee this year, has “mild, cold-like symptoms.” It is assumed that she will still be able to do “light work” at Windsor Castle in the coming week. “She will continue to receive medical care” and will follow all regulations, the royal family statement said.


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