Queen Elizabeth II: First appointment after health problems

Queen Elizabeth II
First appointment after health problems

Queen Elizabeth II with Sir Nick Carter at Windsor Castle.

© imago images / ZUMA Press

For the first time in weeks, Queen Elizabeth II attended a public appointment in person.

Last Remembrance Sunday, Queen Elizabeth II (95) was supposed to have a public appointment again on site in London for the first time since the rest breaks prescribed for her. However, the queen had to cancel at short notice for health reasons to attend a memorial service. On November 17, she received Sir Nick Carter (62) in person for an audience at Windsor Castle.

Carter, Chief of Defense Staff for the UK Armed Forces, will be stepping down from this role later this month. Elizabeth II greeted him smilingly with a handshake and said that Carter’s end was “very sad”, reports the British “BBC”. The palace also published a picture on Instagram of the audience.

Although the Queen is said to have met in person with Prime Minister Boris Johnson (57) last week, it is now the first time in around a month that the Queen can be seen in person at a public appointment. Queen Elizabeth II had previously planned to take part in a memorial service as part of Remembrance Sunday, but had to cancel “disappointed” with back problems, as the palace had declared.

Queen Elizabeth II had canceled several trips

In the past few weeks, the Queen had initially canceled a trip to Northern Ireland and spent one night in a clinic. The palace had justified the hospital stay with “preliminary examinations”. Elizabeth II should then step down for the time being. Later she had to cancel her participation in the climate conference in Glasgow.

At the end of October it became known that the monarch had to continue to take it easy on medical advice. She was advised “that she should continue to rest for at least the next two weeks”. She should only perform “light duties at the desk”. The renewed quiet was ordered as a “precautionary measure”, said an anonymous source at the time of the daily newspaper “The Guardian”.


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