Queen Elisabeth II, suffering, cancels videoconferences

Queen Elizabeth II is still not in good shape. Tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday, she canceled two videoconference hearings scheduled for Thursday and does not plan any other commitments this week, Buckingham Palace said.

“Her Majesty continues to perform light duties. No other engagement is planned for this week,” the palace said in a statement to PA Media, without specifying the state of health of the 95-year-old sovereign. The two hearings scheduled for Thursday “will be postponed to a later date”, it is specified.

Symptoms that have lasted since the beginning of the week

Earlier in the week, the Queen had already canceled scheduled engagements online, with the Palace explaining that she was “still showing cold-like symptoms”. Elisabeth II, who passed the milestone of 70 years of reign on February 6, tested positive for coronavirus on Sunday. She had met her son Prince Charles on February 8, who tested positive two days later.

On Wednesday, however, she held her weekly telephone audience with Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Since she spent a night in the hospital in October, the appearances of the sovereign had become rare. But the palace had recently announced a resumption of its public activities, including a ceremony on March 29 at Westminster Abbey in memory of Prince Philip, her husband who died last year.

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