Queen Camilla: New title for King Charles’ wife

Queen Camilla
New title for King Charles’ wife

Queen Camilla at a ceremony at Clarence House.

© imago/i Images

In the absence of King Charles III. Queen Camilla is currently taking on more royal duties. Now she has received a new title.

King Charles III (75) has apparently returned to London for further cancer treatment, as British media unanimously report. queen Camilla (76) is now attending public appointments and has now even received a new title.

On Tuesday evening (February 13th) she was appointed “Honorary Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fan Makers” at Clarence House, Charles’ official residence in London. This used to be a professional association for fan manufacturers, but today the society functions as a charitable organization.

Own cloak and fan for Queen Camilla

Camilla was accompanied by the Duchess of Gloucester (77), who has held the title since 2005. It is the first date the two women have met together. Camilla wore a black dress with patterned mesh sleeves and collar for the appearance. During the ceremony, a red and gold fan maker’s guild cloak was placed around her. The 76-year-old also received her own fan.

Charles continues to take care of royal business

Queen Camilla and King Charles landed by helicopter at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday (February 13) and then drove to Clarence House. There the monarch smiled and waved to numerous passers-by from the car. On the advice of his doctors, the 75-year-old is currently not holding any public appointments, but is still expected to take care of royal business. Charles had previously spent a few days recovering at the Sandringham country estate in Norfolk. It is not known how long Charles and Camilla will stay in London.

On February 5, 2024, the royal family announced that Charles was suffering from “a form of cancer.”


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