Quarks Science Cops: Rip-off with epigenetics?

The field of epigenetics has repeatedly made headlines for around 20 years. Because research shows: Not just our genes, which are encoded in the DNA, determine how we humans develop over the course of our lives. Because countless enzymes constantly regulate how active our genes are. Depending on external influences, genes are switched “mute” or “loud”.

Therefore, depending on the environment, cells with the same DNA can become blood cells or muscle cells. And perhaps also from “healthy” to “sick” cells. These mechanisms are sometimes referred to as epigenetics.

With epigenetics coaching to a healthier life?

As long as epigenetics research has existed, numerous gurus and faith healers have used it as a tool. For them, it is the little-researched explanatory approach that finally provides a theory for bringing crude healing methods to the people. The promise: With method X or Y you can specifically influence your genes and stimulate yours Self-healing powers at.

The company delivers these promises, among other things HealVersity to Germany. This is a doctor and a life coach who work together for a lot of money “Epigenetics Coaches” form. These apprentices themselves should, as coaches or alternative practitioners, teach their clients how to – supposedly scientifically based – can influence their gene regulation. With your own mind, exercise or nutritional supplements.

The theories that HealVersity promotes on its website and social media Alarm bells are ringing in the Science Cops Department. Is there really something to the idea of ​​being able to influence your own genes in such a targeted way?

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