Qarabag: Jorge Sampaoli, between the need for “survival” and “bar analysis”

To survive. Since his arrival as coach of Olympique de Marseille in March 2021, Jorge Sampaoli has repeatedly repeated his need for “survival” in his position. He said it after the victory against Troyes, at the end of November, and repeated with his demands during the various transfer windows. At the time of discovering the Europa League Conference against FK Qarabag this Thursday (9 p.m.), and before the last sprint in the league to qualify for the Champions League, this need is even more real.

“Surviving, I think, is the life of a football coach. Because it is the results that lead, that guide us. Whether we win or not, we are judged. If we don’t manage to win, we become guilty of what is happening on the field. There is always a unanimous responsibility on the part of the media, or the public, so we play our part in each match, ”detailed Jorge Sampaoli on the eve of facing FK Qarabag.

“Deeper analysis than what we could do at the bar”

A masterful victory against Lens (2-0) at the end of January, and Sampaoli is a genius. A false step against Lyon (2-1) ten days later, and Sampaoli is a scam. Rebelote after the superb victory against Angers (5-2), February 4, then the heavy defeat against Nice (4-1) synonymous with elimination in the Coupe de France. “I don’t look at the reviews or the praise. For me, the analysis is much deeper than what we could do at the bar, ”swept the Argentinian after the defeat against Nice.

Critics on the results, but also on his tactical choices and players. If misunderstanding prevails among many observers when “El Pelado” positions Saliba right side, or Pape Gueye winger, then left side, the former coach of OM Elie Baup, sees in it an in-depth tactical analysis: “It’s a coach who always seeks to organize himself according to the opponent, to cause him problems through tactics. He constantly analyzes the opponent’s game, and provides a response accordingly. And it also asks its players to constantly adapt, without sticking to the classic systems, because today’s game requires constant movement”.

Developing a specific idea

Since the summer preparation, Jorge Sampaoli has also continued to develop the philosophy of play of his team. Very unbalanced and ultra-offensive at the start of the championship, before the defeat at the Vélodrome against Lens (3-2) made him review his copy. And OM had become the best defense in Ligue 1. “Sampoli has a very specific idea, which he is developing little by little, believes Albert Emon, former coach of OM. I think he knows his squad very well, and he tries to develop it all the time. His organization varies because he feels that his team is not yet ready, not yet perfect. Sometimes he tightens the bolts, and every once in a while he loosens the clamp. But the victory against Lens [2-0 à Bollaert]sincerely, I had never seen that with OM”.

And Jorge Sampaoli recognizes it. “I was lucky enough to be able to stay for a long time almost everywhere I went, and I always had this feeling of wanting to consolidate my idea of ​​play. But as I said, there is always the result which advocates , and that makes our profession vulnerable”, he recalled, while he “sincerely thinks that the pressure is everywhere”.

“We always need more”

“Marseille’s problem is that when you win, it’s perfect. And when you draw, you have to throw everything in the trash. It’s very complicated to put ideas in place. Each victory will bring confidence in the principles to be put in place, and each match where you will go through will be a brake on that. But that’s how it is, OM is special and that’s why we say that OM is OM ”, recontextualizes Albert Emon.

“It’s clear, there are critics even with good results, look at Pochettino with PSG. It’s difficult for everyone, everything has to be always perfect in the media clubs. Even winning is not enough, you always need more. It’s the rule of the game, you have to accept it and Marseille is a big club which is subject to criticism, ”recalls Elie Baup.

Thursday, against FK Qarabag, Jorge Sampaoli should rotate his workforce while after a rather calm month of January, the matches are now linked every three days. And innovate in its scheme and tactics? After elimination in the Europa League, then that in the Coupe de France, the objective is clear: “go all the way” and ensure its survival. Going back to a more traditional system?

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