Pyongyang fired sea-to-surface ballistic missile, Seoul says

Pyongyang continues to chain military demonstrations. After what was identified as a ballistic missile test by Tokyo and Seoul on Wednesday, North Korea fired a sea-to-surface missile on Saturday. “North Korea has fired at least one projectile towards the East Sea”, also called the Sea of ​​Japan, announced the South Korean general staff.

According to the Japanese Coast Guard, citing their Ministry of Defense, Pyongyang launched an object “likely to be a ballistic missile”. “Our military detected around 2:07 p.m. that a short-range ballistic missile presumed to be an SLBM was fired from the sea off Sinpo, South Hamgyong,” said the South Korean military staff. in a press release. The firing is the 15th show of force for the nuclear-armed country this year.

This new shooting comes before the entry into office on Tuesday of the new South Korean president Yoon Suk-yeol, favorable to the balance of power with the North. On Friday evening, Washington had warned that North Korea risked carrying out another nuclear test this month, for the first time since 2017.

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