Putin’s propagandist threatens the West

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From: Hannah Koellen

Britain announces it will supply missiles to Ukraine. A Russian propagandist is urging London to stop the shipment – and threatening a nuclear strike.

Frankfurt – London’s decision to deliver modern cruise missiles to Ukraine is heating up tempers in Russia. Great Britain is the first country ever to equip Ukraine with such missiles.

“We will destroy you”: This is what the Russian TV presenter and propagandist Vladimir Solovyov says during an appearance on Russian state television. His words are aimed at Britain in particular – and the West in general.

Ukraine warns of Russian propagandist: ‘Beware Britain!’

The rockets that Ukraine is to receive from Britain are devices of the “Storm Shadow” type, reports the daily News. For Russia, the delivery means Britain is part of the war, Solovyov said on the TV appearance.

Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, published a video clip of the TV appearance on his Twitter account. Gerashchenko capped his tweet with the words “Attention, Great Britain!” – A warning towards London.

Russian propagandist demands: “We should burn something”

Solovyov urges Russia to respond to Britain’s missile delivery to Ukraine. “I think we are extremely passive,” laments the Russian propagandist.

And what does Solovyov consider an appropriate response to the missile delivery? He demands that Russia should respond in the most brutal way. “Why are submarine cables still going to Britain?” Solovyov asks in his speech.

Calls on Britain not to deliver missiles to Ukraine: Putin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov. © IMAGO/Sergei Karpukhin

For him it is clear that Russia should no longer adhere to the ban on nuclear weapons tests: “We should carry out tests, show our nuclear weapons and burn something somewhere,” demands Solovyov. The aim is primarily Great Britain, but also “all the countries that offer support”.

Missile delivery to Ukraine: Putin propagandist issues an ultimatum to the West

Solovyov demands an ultimatum for countries offering support to Ukraine: “If you deliver the missiles, we will detonate.”

The reactions on Twitter show that the nuclear threats from the Russian side are not taken very seriously. “Don’t you understand the inflationary effect of repeating the same threat over and over again until it just elicits a shrug?” asks a Twitter user. Another writes: “If I had a nickel for every nuclear threat…”.

This is how Putin is now reacting to heavy losses in the Ukraine war.

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