Putin’s concern: Ukraine will become a role model for its own people

“important today”
“If you chase the dictator to hell, you feel better afterwards” – Putin’s concern about his image

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin

© Alexei Nikolsky / AP / Picture Alliance

Representatives from Russia, the USA, NATO and Europe are trying this week to calm the Ukraine crisis. There is one thing that Putin is concerned about, experts say. Another topic of this episode: trust in corona rapid tests.

The Eastern Europe expert Prof. Heiko Pleines did not expect a major breakthrough in Geneva, it was rather preliminary talks. In the podcast “Today important” (episode 187) he says very clearly what Putin’s goal is: “In the case of Ukraine, Putin basically wants to prevent Ukraine from becoming a role model for the Russian people the motto: if you chase the dictator to the devil, then you feel better afterwards. ” Putin had gathered 100,000 soldiers on the Russian-Ukrainian border – and justified this step with the fact that Russia feels threatened by the advance of NATO.

Kazakhstan’s dilemma with Russia

More than 8,000 people have now been arrested and more than 160 people dead. What began as a protest against the rise in the price of liquefied gas was then a statement against ex-President Nazarbayev, who still had a lot of power. There are many indications that Kazakhstan’s current President Qassym-Shomart Toqayev really no longer had the situation under control and had asked for help in Moscow in the exceptional situation. How much power Putin bought for himself is not yet entirely clear to Prof. Pleines: “How far Russia will really gain influence over the long term will have to be seen, but I don’t think the President of Kazakhstan is happy about it. that he needed Russian help. “

The Kazakh and Russian state media officially hold the West responsible for the uprisings. Prof. Pleines, who also deals with the functioning of authoritarian regimes, explains it like this: “Of course, it is also important to influence the mood in the population and that includes presenting scapegoats. If there are protests, it is not because there are there are good reasons for protests, but because the West thinks up something and intervenes. “

Michel Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “Today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with poise and sometimes uncomfortably. This is what host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for star– and RTL reporters: inside with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a sound say.

The dilemma with the reliability of the rapid tests

Also: The general practitioner Dr. In today’s episode of “Today important”, Christoph Specht explains how and when corona rapid tests work, and our colleague Jonah Lemm does the self-test. He has tested positive for corona, despite two vaccinations, and is taking a total of 7 rapid tests under the microscope. The result gives hope …

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