Putin warns West about deployment of troops and danger of nuclear war – politics

In his annual State of the Union address, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin traditionally sets out the major political guidelines for Russian society. This Thursday he performed for the 19th time. In the propaganda show broadcast on state television and even in some cinemas, Putin presented his very own view of the world. In recent years he has repeatedly twisted reality in his favor.

A good two years after the start of the war of aggression, Putin spoke about the situation in the Ukraine, where his troops have recently made progress, although the invasion is not progressing nearly as quickly as planned before the attack. The Russian president thanked the support of what he claimed was the “absolute majority of the population” for the “special military operation.” The people work in three shifts to meet the needs of the front. “Together we can do anything,” Putin implored the Russian people.

The Kremlin chief warned the West against deploying troops in Ukraine and spoke Danger of nuclear war at. The consequences of such a step would be tragic, Putin said about the debate initiated by French President Macron. Putin emphasized that Russia has weapons that could hit targets in western territory. An escalation could lead to a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and thus the “extinction of civilization.”

At the same time, the president dismissed claims that Russia wanted to attack the West as “nonsense.” Putin once again offered the US a dialogue on strategic security in the world if the US stopped aiming for Moscow’s strategic defeat, as he claimed.

Traditionally, the President comments on the current situation in Russia in his speech broadcast on state television Business and to Social policy. In the largest country in the world by area, many Russians complain about rising prices and high costs of living. Putin therefore announced increased financial support from the state in various areas.

The 71-year-old Putin has been holding the reins of Russian politics since the turn of the millennium. In just over two weeks he would like to meet with the Presidential election in March have him re-confirmed in office. His re-election is considered certain: Putin’s competitors support the Kremlin chief’s policies and, from the point of view of government critics, are mere decorations. Kremlin opponents speak of a sham election.

Putin’s fiercest opponent to date, who died unexpectedly in a prison camp a few days ago Alexei Navalny, will be buried this Friday. The cause of death is officially unknown. Navalny’s supporters and many politicians in the West blame Putin for his death.

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