Putin threatens “disaster”: ordeal in Germany begins

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Of: George Anastasiadis

Georg Anastasiadis, editor-in-chief of the Münchner Merkur, comments on Putin’s threats in the gas dispute and the reaction of the federal government. © Alexander Zemlianichenko/Pool AP/dpa/Klaus Haag

This Monday, Moscow Germany is turning off the gas tap for maintenance work on the Nord Stream I pipeline. Will it be turned up again in a few days? The federal government fears the worst. A commentary by Georg Anastasiadis.

in the Ukraine war the guns are firing at full capacity. And Putin’s projectiles hit – at least propaganda – every day more menacingly in Germany. The Kremlin ruler predicts “catastrophic consequences” if the sanctions continue. Whether the threatening gestures about those beginning now Maintenance work on the Nord Stream I gas pipeline only the preliminary skirmishes to an even more extensive gas war between Russia and Germany will become apparent in a few days. In Berlin, people fear the worst. “We won’t let anyone buy our guts,” claims the Chancellor defiant. For real?

Security has never been available for free in human history

Putin knows where to grab the wealthy Germans. They were the profit maximizers of globalization, who always spoke of morality and at the same time surrendered to inhuman regimes in Moscow and Beijing. To this day, many do not want to admit that being carefree has a price and that security has never been available for free in human history. They feel bothered by the Ukrainians’ struggle for freedom. And the poorer ones are not without reason asking themselves whether they now have to foot the bill for the party.

Demand already AfD and left bluntly the sacrifice of Ukraine on the altar of a dictated peace with Putin, and the big calibers are already being used in Munich. Markus Soder accuses the government of fundamentally failing in its mandate to “provide warm homes, energy and affordable food”. That’s bold, after all it was 16 years of Union-led governments that got the country into this situation, and Bavaria was at the forefront of the nuclear phase-out and other follies. But he hopes CSUboss insists that the citizens look for a (different) scapegoat, now that the German business model, which has become untenable, is collapsing and the “ordeal” prophesied by the philosopher king Habeck begins.

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