Putin makes friends with the Taliban and swears he will not attack NATO

The enemies of my enemies… This Wednesday, in front of numerous international press agencies, Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed that it was necessary to “build relations” with the Taliban government in Afghanistan. At the same time, he also affirmed that he had no “imperial ambitions” against NATO countries.

“We have always considered that we had to start from reality. The Taliban control power in Afghanistan […] We must build relationships with the Taliban government,” he argued.

Removed from the list of terrorist organizations

The Russian president made this statement on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, where, in fact, a delegation from the Taliban government arrived this Wednesday.

Preparing the ground, the head of Russian diplomacy had already announced last week that Moscow was going to remove the Taliban from its “list of terrorist organizations”. “They have real power” in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had already justified, on the sidelines of a visit by Vladimir Putin to Uzbekistan.

Attack NATO? Bullshit “

Nearly three years after they took power in Afghanistan, the country remains among the poorest in the world. Economic output collapsed by more than 20% according to a report from the United Nations Development Program. In addition to the economic situation, the Taliban have increased repressive measures against women, who no longer have the right to study or work for NGOs or even for the UN.

In the process, Russian President Vladimir Putin also assured that his country was not planning to attack NATO. “Do not seek what does not exist […] do not look for our imperial ambitions. They don’t exist,” he said. The Kremlin tenant described the accusations that he had these intentions as “bullshit”.

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