Putin launches war in Ukraine, the EU meets urgently… All the information on the ongoing conflict

Did you miss the news this early morning? We have concocted a recap (special Ukraine) to help you see things more clearly.

Diplomacy is over. Shortly before 6 o’clock in the morning in Moscow (4 o’clock in Paris), the sentence fell: “I took the decision of a military operation. In a televised statement, Vladimir Putin announced his decision to launch an offensive to defend the separatists in eastern Ukraine. In his speech, the Russian president assured that he did not want “occupation” of Ukraine, but its “demilitarization” and its “denazification”. Since then, the strikes have started and the situation is evolving extremely quickly.

It is a meeting announced before the strikes in Ukraine on Thursday. The European Union will meet urgently in Brussels to discuss the actions to be taken against Russia, but also the economic and migratory consequences of the conflict. And to show its determination not to let Kiev down and above all to send a strong signal to Vladimir Putin, the EU wants to speak with one voice. The European summit in Brussels will therefore have to show that “we are united” and that “the European family is coming together”, estimated the Elysée on Wednesday.

So as not to miss anything and to have the latest information on the conflict and the reactions in particular of NATO, the United States, France or the UN, the editorial staff of 20 minutes mobilizes for you and gives you all the information live in this Live (and with news, videos, recaps, etc.)

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