Putin is preparing to pay a state visit to North Korea…

Mark Rutte said this Tuesday he was “cautiously optimistic” about the possibility that Hungary would give up opposing his appointment as head of NATO, after discussing this with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The Dutch Prime Minister is widely favored to replace Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg as NATO Secretary General by the end of 2024, after receiving the support of most members of the Atlantic Alliance, including that of the States -United. But he has so far encountered opposition from Viktor Orban, and faces competition from Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

The Kremlin master’s visit to Pyongyang “shows the extent to which President Putin and Moscow are now dependent on authoritarian countries around the world. Their closest friends and biggest supporters of the Russian war effort – the war of aggression – are North Korea, Iran and China,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg commented on Monday. from Washington, stressing that Russia, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is now “violating the sanctions” imposed on North Korea.

Hello everyone. Like every day, the editorial staff of 20 minutes is mobilized to give you all the information on the conflict. This week will be marked by Vladimir Putin’s trip to Pyongyang. The Russian president is expected in North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday for a state visit.

Americans and Europeans have been worried for months about the accelerated rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang, accusing the North Koreans of delivering munitions to Russia for its assault on Ukraine in exchange for technological, diplomatic and food assistance.

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