Putin castigates “imperialism” of NATO whose summit ends this Thursday

Relations are souring between NATO and Russia. The Alliance, whose summit in Madrid ends on Thursday, has promised to support Ukraine as long as necessary in the face of Moscow’s “cruelty”, a support denounced by the Russian president who castigated the “imperialist ambitions” of the Covenant.

On the sidelines of the meeting in the Spanish capital, London and Washington reinforced their military and economic aid to Ukraine. “This is a special summit, a transformation summit, the Alliance is changing its strategy in response to Russia’s aggressive anti-European policies”, welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in his daily address, after having “called on the NATO countries to speed up the delivery of missile defense systems to Ukraine and significantly increase the pressure on the terrorist state”.

“The Appalling Cruelty of Russia”

In a joint statement, NATO member countries said they had agreed on a new aid plan involving the “delivery of non-lethal military equipment” and a strengthening of Ukrainian defenses against cyberattacks. . “Russia’s appalling cruelty is causing immense human suffering and massive displacement,” they wrote, saying Moscow bore “full responsibility for this humanitarian catastrophe.”

Aid should therefore continue in the months to come. “Ukraine can count on us for as long as it takes,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday, referring to a “moral and political obligation” for the Atlantic Alliance. The organization has also validated its expansion to Sweden and Finland.

NATO’s “imperial ambitions”

At a press conference in Ashkhabad, the Turkmen capital, Vladimir Putin castigated the attitude of Westerners. “The leading countries of NATO wish (…) to affirm their hegemony, their imperial ambitions”, he accused.

“The call for Ukraine to continue fighting and refuse negotiations only confirms our assumption that Ukraine and the good of the Ukrainian people is not the objective of the West and the NATO, but a way to defend their own interests,” said the Russian president. In a new strategic roadmap adopted at the Madrid summit, NATO designates Russia as “the most significant and direct threat to the security of the allies”.

New listings for Kyiv

“We cannot rule out the possibility of an attack on the sovereignty or territorial integrity of the allies”, warns this document, which had not been revised since 2010. NATO countries have validated a strengthening of their military presence on the eastern flank of the Alliance, which will increase to more than 300,000 soldiers the strength of its “high-readiness forces”.

The promise of support from the West also materialized with the announcement, on Wednesday, by London of the release of one billion pounds (1.16 billion euros) of additional aid to Ukraine, including air defense and drones. “As Putin fails to achieve the gains he had planned and hoped for, and the futility of this war becomes apparent to all, his attacks on the Ukrainian people are increasingly barbaric,” the prime minister said. British Boris Johnson, in a press release.

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