Pure thrill: The best thriller series on Netflix, Prime and Co.

Do you want a thrill? If the next bungee jump or spontaneous parachute jump is a long time coming, reaching into the box of films and series can help. Well-made thrillers and crime novels take you into the depths of your own emotions, make you feel fear, adrenaline and the instinct to flee and make the psychological abysses of fictional film characters tangible – and all this while you’re lounging comfortably on the sofa.

Thrillers have a subjective effect on people

Because even star director Alfred Hitchcock, who is responsible for the horror hit “Psycho” from 1960, knew: A good crime is fun for everyone, as long as you are not the victim. But a good thriller isn’t just for entertainment. studies show that people can perceive depictions of violence as “a meaningful and valuable reflection of life”. The feeling of what is shown is correspondingly subjective. According to this, one’s own previous experiences influence which needs the thriller satisfies – from the search for emotion or impulse regulation to the pursuit of intensive emotional experiences, everything is possible. So much for the rough psychological background of the phenomenon of being fascinated by brutal or nerve-wracking thrillers, crime fiction or horror films.

But what to do when the next binge-watching attack is approaching and you are overwhelmed with the sheer overwhelming amount of offers on the streaming services? You can find an overview of the best thriller series on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Co. in the photo gallery above. Are you even more interested in film fun? Here you will find the best summer films, here the most beautiful summer romances.

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