Purchasing power, the top priority of the French, according to a survey

For the French, the top priority of the 2022 presidential election is purchasing power, ahead of health, immigration, security, the fight against terrorism, the environment and unemployment,
according to an Odoxa * poll for Europe 1, published on Monday.

For some 90% of the French, purchasing power is a very important or fairly important subject of concern. 80% of French people have the feeling that purchasing power has tended to deteriorate over the past twelve months.

A rising standard of living?

And a vast majority (94%) believe that the lockdowns undergone for a year and a half have led to an acceleration in the rise in prices and inflation, according to the survey. Yet a study by the Institute of Public Policy (IPP), linked to the Paris School of Economics, published earlier in November, indicated that all households have seen their standard of living (i.e. say all of their income after taxes and benefits) have increased by around 1.6% since the start of the five-year term, except for the poorest 5% of households, who have lost 0.5% on average.

The standard of living of the most modest households has been eroded by lower revaluations of certain benefits and by the increase in taxes on energy and tobacco, which weigh more in proportion to their income.

Health and immigration just behind

According to the Odoxa poll, the French believe that the rise in gasoline and energy prices has been the most penalizing for their purchasing power over the last 18 months, but the rise in the prices of everyday consumer products also affected a lot.

To the question “Which of the following major areas will count the most in your vote in the presidential election?” », The respondents, who could select two choices, answer as follows: 45% mention purchasing power, 30% health, 25% immigration, 24% security and the fight against terrorism, 21% the environment , 13% unemployment, 13% education, 10% French identity, 9% taxation.

* The poll was carried out from November 3 to 24, on a sample of 1,005 French people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, according to the quota method.

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