Pur: The band’s new album is out in November

The band’s new album is out in November

Front singer Hartmut Engler was able to solve his writer’s block just in time for the new Pur album “Personal”. The fans played a crucial role in this.

© IMAGO/Jan Huebner

The new Pur album “Personal” will be released on November 4th and lives up to its name.

The cult pop group Pur will release their new album “Personal” on November 4th. This was announced by the record company Universal Music on Thursday. The 17th studio album by the band from Baden-Württemberg contains 16 titles and also deals with their eventful past.

For example, one song is dedicated to the former drummer Martin Stoeck (1964-2021), who died as a result of cancer. This was a shock to the band at the time, who had not known about the disease. “I was sorry that we lost touch,” said frontman Hartmut Engler (60) about his ex-drummer, who left the band in 2015. “I decided to write a song for Stöcki. An honest honor.” This is how the melancholic piano ballad “Herzensgut” came about. At the end of the song, Stöcki even plays the drums himself – sampled from an older song. The former PUR producer and Stöcki’s brother-in-law Dieter Falk (62) is sitting at the piano.

Concert at Schalke solves writer’s block

Frontman Engler found it difficult to write the songs during the pandemic. The subsequent celebration of “40 years of PUR – 20 years of PUR at Schalke” with 68,000 spectators then brought the breakthrough. Heading towards this gig broke the Pur frontman’s writer’s block caused by the pandemic, he was able to let his thoughts and feelings flow into the songs on the new album.

“I couldn’t cope with the overall situation at all,” he said, summing up the Corona peak. “Certainly I don’t have to play 150 concerts a year anymore. But I need a goal that I can look forward to.” Just like the show at Schalke.

Hot topics picked up

The album actively deals with the topics of the current time. “Conspirators” is about conspiracy theories that have come to the fore during the pandemic. “Ein Gute Morgen” is the band’s reaction to the war in Ukraine. With “Immun” Engler processes the sadness he had experienced in isolation: “I wasn’t really in touch with other people anymore, I was I preferred to stay at home. Because I didn’t like myself,” he recalled.

In any case, pure fans shouldn’t be sad anymore, but look forward to the latest record of their idols with “Personal”.


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