Punitive measures against Russia: US sanctions Putin’s confidants

Status: 08/03/2022 08:08 a.m

The US has imposed new sanctions on Russian individuals, including President Putin’s alleged girlfriend. Alina Kabaeva’s entry permit has been suspended. Other Putin confidants were also sanctioned.

After Britain and the EU, the United States has also imposed sanctions on the alleged partner of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The US Treasury Department said it had placed former gymnast Alina Kabaeva on its sanctions list. Your entry permit has been suspended. There are also sanctions against their possession.

The 39-year-old – once a member of the Russian State Duma – has a “close relationship with Putin” and is the current boss of the Kremlin-friendly media empire National Media Group. The EU also sees her “in close contact” with Putin. The EU and Great Britain had already imposed sanctions on the former Olympic champion, who is rumored to be in a relationship with Putin, in May.

sanctions against oligarchs

The US Treasury Department also announced sanctions against a number of other Russian personalities, companies and institutions. Among them are billionaire Andrei Guryev, head of fertilizer giant PhosAgro, and his son.

Guryev owns the Witanhurst estate in the UK – according to the US Treasury Department the second largest estate in London after Buckingham Palace. He is also the owner of the more than 80 meter long luxury yacht “Alfa Nero”, which has now been blacklisted by the US Treasury Department.

Yellen: “Putin’s allies have enriched themselves”

“While innocent people suffer from Russia’s illegal war of aggression, Putin’s allies have enriched themselves,” US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement.

Western countries have imposed harsh sanctions on Russia over Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. They also targeted oligarchs close to Putin. In April, the US sanctioned Putin’s adult daughters Katerina Vladimirovna Tikhonova and Maria Vladimirovna Vorontsova.

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