Pullach – chemical plant and bikers move the minds – district of Munich

When Bert Eisl was elected spokesman for Agenda 21 in Pullach in 2003, it was just a year ago that a hall on the site of what was then the peroxide chemistry site caught fire after 20 explosions. Since then there have been no more incidents, but the topic of security is being discussed more vigorously than ever before, as the successor company United Initiators (UI) wants to expand its storage capacities. There is fear in the community that the expansion will go hand in hand with an increase in production and that the risk of further accidents will increase.

After 18 years Eisl has placed his office in the hands of Peter Kloeber, the changing of the guard took place at the Agenda Autumn Forum on Thursday in the Pullacher Bürgerhaus. Kloeber was elected as the new spokesperson with two abstentions, the election leader was Mayor Susanna Tausendfreund (Greens). The evening was led by the new Agenda boss Peter Kloeber, the predominant topics were the expansion plans of the chemical company and the steering concept “NaturErcovery Isartal in the south of Munich” hanging in the air, for which a group of mountain bikers from the MTB Club Munich most interested.

Kloeber had a lot to report about UI’s plans and the attitude of the Pullach agenda team to them. Among other things, the agenda is concerned with the hillside springs, a drinking water reserve for Pullach and the region from which the chemical plant draws its water – around four million cubic meters annually for cooling purposes only, 0.275 million cubic meters for production. To make the scale clear, Kloeber made a comparison with the drinking water needs of the population: just 0.9 million cubic meters annually. The mayor had already hurried to another date when the new agenda speaker said that the municipality could exert influence, for example by agreeing binding maximum quantities through an urban development contract. The congregation, however, said that it had no leverage and that it had not responded to a statement from the agenda.

The latter announced a willingness to compromise on the ongoing conflict between nature conservationists and mountain bikers racing through the Isar valley off the beaten track. “We’re there to talk to each other,” said one of the cyclists who had traveled from Munich. You yourself worked on the steering concept, which provides for a defined trail guidance along the Isar and which was decided by the district council in 2017. The fact that this is still only on paper makes her impatient. They are concerned that Pullach’s mayor threatened to withdraw from the cooperation with the district office if the problem of area management and sponsorship did not arise by April 1, 2022. One of the problems why the concept is still in the drawers of the district office and the city of Munich – the as yet unresolved question of liability – is, in their eyes, none at all. In similar projects, the question of liability was quickly clarified, “for 1000 euros a year”. However, the agenda insists that two sections be removed from the trail – between the Hofbrunnhaus and Pullach town center and the paths through the Höllriegelpark. However, the mountain bikers were not very enthusiastic about this.

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