Puchheim: Fire on the balcony on the tenth floor – Fürstenfeldbruck

In the Puchheimer Hochhaussiedlung Planie it has burned again. There was property damage. Several residents had to be temporarily evacuated.

At around 7:15 p.m., the rescue workers were informed about the fire on the tenth floor of the house on Adenauerstrasse. According to previous knowledge, the fire broke out on the balcony of the apartment and smoked the adjoining apartment and the stairwell.

The alarmed fire brigade evacuated the residents present, who, according to the police report, were soon able to return to their apartments after the extinguishing work was quickly completed. According to an initial assessment, damage to property amounted to 20,000 euros. The Fürstenfeldbruck criminal police has taken over the investigation into the still unclear cause of the fire.

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