Publication of NSU files: Hesse’s protection of the constitution files a criminal complaint

Status: 10/31/2022 4:31 p.m

After the publication of the NSU files by “ZDF Magazin Royal”, Hesse’s intelligence agency filed a complaint against unknown persons. This is about passing on secret information, not about publication.

Just a few days after moderator Jan Böhmermann’s “ZDF Magazin Royale” and the “Frag den Staat” platform published the NSU files, which were actually classified as secret, on the Internet, the Hessian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution filed criminal charges against persons unknown. The reason is the unlawful disclosure of classified information, according to the authority. This would potentially compromise human sources of the service. The office thus indirectly confirmed the authenticity of the files.

The ad is not directed against the publication. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution also emphasized that the documents had been submitted in full to two committees of inquiry in the Hessian state parliament. The members of the Parliamentary Control Commission for the Protection of the Constitution would also have the opportunity to view the file inspection reports at any time. The documents were also made available to the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Hessian State Criminal Police Office.

Böhmermann and the “Ask the State” initiative published documents on Friday evening both on the show and on the Internet that the security authorities had classified as classified for 30 years.

The files revealed a “more than dubious picture” of the work of the Hessian protection of the constitution, it was said in justification. It becomes clear that, especially during the 1990s – in which the right-wing terrorists of the later NSU became radicalized – the overview of the collected data was lost and consequences did not always follow from the information.

Lawyer sees “complete failure” of the authority

The Frankfurt lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz supports the criticism of the work of the Hessian protection of the constitution. The files revealed a “complete failure” of the authority. “They didn’t follow up on clues, they didn’t do anything,” Basay-Yildiz told the dpa news agency.

It was a shock for her to see that, contrary to public claims, it was not about protecting sources. Much of the information collected was about the purchase and possession of weapons and explosives by right-wing extremists. After that, however, there were apparently no further investigations. Basay-Yildiz represented the family of the murdered Enver Şimşek in the Munich NSU proceedings.

The “National Socialist Underground” had been able to murder through Germany for years without being recognized. The victims of the right-wing terrorists were nine traders of Turkish and Greek origin and a German policewoman.

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