Public transport: Greens are pushing for a connection solution for a 9-euro ticket

public transport
Greens are pushing for a connection solution for a 9-euro ticket

The parliamentary group leader of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Katharina Dröge. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

As of today, the clock is ticking for the 9-euro ticket: the offer is only valid in August. The Greens are happy about the “best seller” – and warn against waiting too long with an alternative.

A month before the 9-euro ticket expires, the Greens are pushing for a successor plan. The 9-euro ticket is a “real hit and a complete success,” Green Party leader Katharina Dröge told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

It is good for the climate and at the same time relieves people with low incomes. “The 9-euro ticket must not simply expire in September without a follow-up solution,” warned Dröge. The evaluation in November promised by Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) is too late.

In order to finance a follow-up solution, Dröge suggested reducing the tax deductibility of the use of a company car. This would also be a step towards reducing environmentally harmful subsidies, which the traffic light coalition had agreed to, she argued.

The last month of the 9 euro ticket begins today. From June to August, bus and train drivers could and still can use local and regional transport nationwide for 9 euros per month. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) had rejected expectations of a successor plan at the weekend. “The fuel discount and 9-euro ticket are running out. There will be no follow-up regulation,” Lindner told the “Bild am Sonntag”.


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