Public transport: ADAC finds big price differences in local transport

Public transport
ADAC finds big price differences in local transport

There are big price differences in local transport in Germany. Photo: Marcel Kusch / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

A study by the ADAC has shown that the prices for local transport in Germany vary widely. According to ADAC, uniform prices are still a long way off.

According to a study by the ADAC, the fares for buses and trains in major German cities differ considerably.

The ticket prices in local public transport (ÖPNV) sometimes differed by more than 100 percent, the automobile club announced on Thursday in Munich. “And that, although the services are mostly of the same value.”

According to its own information, the ADAC compared public transport prices in 21 large cities with more than 300,000 inhabitants and found that there is no uniform pricing. For example, a short-haul route costs adults in Bremen, Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main only 1.50 euros, in Berlin, Leipzig, Bonn and Cologne, however, 2 euros. It is also noticeable that Hamburg offers the cheapest single ticket for adults at 2.40 euros, but has the most expensive monthly ticket at 112.80 euros.

The biggest price differences were found for the weekly tickets: in Munich adults travel for 17.80 euros, in Berlin for 36 euros. If you want to take a bike with you on the bus and train, you don’t have to pay anything in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Hanover. The Rhein-Ruhr transport association, which includes Düsseldorf, Essen and Dortmund, charges 3.60 euros for the two-wheeler.

The investigation shows that the cities “are still miles away from uniform public transport ticket prices”, emphasized the ADAC. “For the consumer and the attractiveness of public transport as a whole, a standardization of prices at the lowest possible level would be desirable.”


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