Psychology: We need more rest periods next to work

If you only count the non-working hours, we are fine. And yet we feel restless, torn between too many expectations. What helps?

Many free hours and the wide sea didn’t help anymore. A few years ago, on vacation on La Palma, I was exhausted and unable to vacation. Private insecurity, professional turbo time – I wrote mail after mail to Germany early in the morning. Thoughts flitted around in his head like goblins. I didn’t know how to catch them.

There were all sorts of flyers in the tavern. I, frustrated as I was, chose a meditation seminar. I still had ten days.

The director was around 70. Her name was Jutta and she had learned from Bhagwan in Poona how to relax in the here and now. We were five Germans. At nine o’clock we sat under a pepper tree and were asked to think “I am” for an hour.

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