🚨 PSG – Brest live: the Mbappé – Neymar trio

After resuming its cruising speed in Ligue 1 after two easy successes against Toulouse and Nantes and its victory Tuesday evening against Juventus, PSG wants to continue its series with the reception of Brest, four days before its trip to Haifa. For the Brestois, it will be a question of showing a better face than in recent weeks, they who have not won for three games and who are in 17th place. Follow the match live!

to summarize

Follow live on Onze Mondial this meeting of the 7th day between Paris Saint-Germain of Christophe Galtier and Stade Brestois of Michel Der Zakarian. The kick-off of the meeting will be given this Saturday September 10, 2022 at 5 p.m. from the Parc des Princes.

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