Protests worldwide in solidarity with Palestine – Politics

It is said to be a “day of wrath,” which Hamas has loudly announced. Khalid Mashal, a leading representative of the terrorist organization, called on Wednesday for protests “in the squares and in the streets of the Arab and Islamic world” in support of the Palestinians. Tens of thousands of people followed the call, for example in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. There, thousands of people gathered in a central square and waved Israeli and Palestinian flags. Slogans against Israel and the USA were chanted.

In Egypt For example, believers protested after Friday lunchtime prayers in the Al-Azhar Mosque, an important Islamic site in Cairo, the newspaper “al-Shorouk” reported online. The newspaper published images of some demonstrators unfurling the Palestinian flag in the courtyard of the mosque and quoted them as chanting “With soul and blood we sacrifice for al-Aqsa,” a reference to Islam’s third holiest site in Jerusalem. In 1979, Egypt became the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel. Cairo has mediated in previous conflicts between Palestinians and Israel.

In Jordan, which also has diplomatic relations with Israel, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets. Security forces dispersed protesters trying to reach the border area with Palestinian territory in the West Bank. A video broadcast on Al-Arabiya regional television showed tear gas being used to push back protesters. Protesters also gathered in central Amman and other provinces of the kingdom on Friday to express solidarity with Gaza. There are similar demonstrations in Yogyakarta Indonesia given.

There are also protests in the Jordanian capital Amman.


There is also a demonstration of a similar dimension Pakistan given. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets there too. The leader of the influential Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami, Sirajul Haq, told angry supporters in the city of Lahore: “We are ready for any sacrifice and will continue to support the Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine.”

An employee of the Israeli embassy is in China’s capital Beijing is said to have been attacked on Friday. The man is in a stable condition in hospital, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said. The attack did not take place on the embassy premises, the statement said. He was attacked in an area where there are several other embassies. An investigation into the attack is underway, it said.

Despite the ban: police crackdown on pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin

There have also been several clashes in Europe. On Friday night, the French police… Paris a banned pro-Palestinian rally was broken up with tear gas and water cannons. Despite a ban, several hundred people came together in the center of the city. They chanted “Israel murderer” and called President Emmanuel Macron an “accomplice.”

In the past few days it has also come in Germany to pro-Palestinian demonstrations glorifying Hamas’ violence against Israeli civilians. To prevent such scenes, the police have… Berlin another planned Palestinian demonstration on Friday afternoon was banned. Nevertheless, the police had to crack down on crowds of people in the Berlin district Neukölln proceed. According to observations by the German Press Agency, around a hundred people gathered on Sonnenallee, some with Palestinian flags or symbols. A large police force was on site and cordoned off an intersection with tape. There were three arrests.

The Berlin public prosecutor’s office wants to take tougher action against anti-Israel slogans. The use of the oft-used slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” is now being classified as a criminal offense by the public prosecutor’s office, says a police spokeswoman for the German Press Agency. The sentence means that there should be a free Palestine in an area from the Jordan to the Mediterranean – where Israel is now located.

In Munich The city banned a “protest march” planned for Friday evening by the group “Palestine Speaks” through the city center. A ban is also being prepared for another reported pro-Palestinian gathering of 250 people on Marienplatz on Saturday. Also in Frankfurt and kassel and other major German cities banned pro-Palestinian rallies.

The hamburger Police increased their presence in several parts of the city on Friday amid possible pro-Palestinian protests. There were several police cars for protection in front of Jewish institutions, such as the synagogue in Eimsbüttel or in front of a Jewish school in the Grindelviertel, as dpa reporters observed. Numerous personnel carriers were in position near the main train station on Steindamm in St. Georg. Dozens of state and federal police cars, as well as water cannons and a clearing tank, had taken up positions around the station.

A planned rally under the motto “Solidarity with Rojava and Palestine” at the main train station had been banned, but given a call on social networks, spontaneous gatherings were to be expected, it was said.

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