Protests in Israel against judicial reform continue

Status: 06/25/2023 07:52 a.m

For the 25th Saturday in a row, people in Israel protested against the Netanyahu government’s planned judicial reform. Former Prime Minister Barak called for civil disobedience in Tel Aviv.

In Israel, tens of thousands of people protested against the judicial reform on Saturday evening. At the central rally in Tel Aviv, former Prime Minister Ehud Barak called for the protest measures that have been going on for 25 weeks to be intensified. The only legitimate way is through civil disobedience, Barak said.

The organizers of the protests announced “targeted and non-violent protest actions against the dictatorial laws”. Many also protested against the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territories.

At times, demonstrators blocked a main thoroughfare in Tel Aviv. During the eviction, there were clashes between the protesters and the police.

People have been protesting against the judicial reform for 25 consecutive Saturdays.

Talks with opposition failed

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu initially suspended plans to restructure the judicial system in March after massive public pressure. However, months of negotiations between the government and the opposition did not result in an agreement. However, the two main opposition leaders, Jair Lapid and Benny Gantz, suspended their participation in mid-June. Netanyahu then announced about a week ago that he would start “practical measures” to implement the reform.

Critics accuse the right-wing religious coalition government of wanting to deliberately weaken the Supreme Court. They see the separation of powers and thus the democratic order in danger.

The government accuses the judges of excessive interference in political decisions.

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