Protests in Iran: Interview with Nobel Prize winner Shirin Ebadi – Politics

Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi has been defying the mullahs’ regime in Iran for 40 years – at the risk of her life. The lawyer is convinced that the protests will lead to the end of the Islamic Republic.

Shirin Ebadi, born in 1947, was the first female judge in Iran and head of the Tehran court. She had to give up this post in 1979 because the Islamic Republic did not recognize women as judges. She then worked as a human rights lawyer and campaigned in particular for women’s and children’s rights. Her mandates for intellectuals critical of the regime made Ebadi internationally known. The regime therefore put her on a death list. In 2003, Ebadi received the Nobel Peace Prize, which she accepted without a headscarf. She has lived in London since 2009 – and speaks regularly from there.

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