Protests in Iran: 40-day mourning period for Amini comes to an end

Status: 10/26/2022 4:24 am

40 days after the death of the Iranian Kurdish woman Amini there are again calls for protests in Iran. According to activists, security services warned Amini’s family not to hold a ceremony that day.

Almost 40 days after the death of the Iranian Kurd Mahsa Amini, demonstrators have called for protests again. “It is not a time for mourning, but for anger,” said a protest call shared on the Internet. In Shia Iran, the traditional mourning period for the death of a family member is 40 days. The security authorities are preparing for nationwide protests. So far they have violently put down the system-critical demonstrations in Iran. However, observers expect crowds on the streets again today.

The system-critical protests in Iran were triggered by the death of 22-year-old Amini. The morality police had arrested her for allegedly violating Islamic dress codes. The woman died in police custody on September 16. Activists accuse the security forces of mistreating the young woman.

Family doesn’t give a ceremony

Amini’s family announced that “in view of the circumstances and to avoid unfortunate troubles, there will be no ceremony” “marking the 40th day (after the death) of our loved one,” according to a statement published by the state news agency Irna published statement was called.

According to activists, security services warned Amini’s family not to hold a ceremony on that day in Kurdistan province and ask people to visit their daughter’s grave. The family was threatened that otherwise they “would have to worry about their son’s life,” it said.

Government spokesman is booed

On Tuesday, students in Iran continued their nationwide protests. At a lecture in the religious stronghold of Qom, a government spokesman was booed again. Students chanted during the visit of government spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi to a university, as reported by the Iranian newspaper “Hammihan”. The protest slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom” was also shouted. Jahromi had already been booed by students on Monday.

At least 250 people killed

Since Amini’s death, thousands have been demonstrating across the country against the government’s repressive course and the Islamic system of rule. According to human rights activists, at least 250 people have already been killed and more than ten thousand arrested.

Iran’s judiciary continues to take a hard line against participants in the demonstrations. According to state media, hundreds of people have been charged in connection with the protests. In Tehran, 315 demonstrators are to answer in court. Four people are also accused of “war against God”. According to the Islamic legal system in Iran, they face the death penalty.

President Ebrahim Raisi defended the tough government course at a media meeting. He again accused the West of interfering in his country’s internal affairs. Raisi cited the role of the media abroad as one of the reasons. Meanwhile, the Internet in Iran has been severely restricted for weeks. Dozens of journalists were arrested during the protests.

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