Protests against the right: Pictures of the demonstrations

Many Germans are also taking to the streets this weekend to demonstrate against the right. Protests have been registered in numerous German cities, and more than 10,000 participants are expected in many places. For example in Hanover. Many thousands of visitors are expected at the rally, in which Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD), among others, also wants to take part. There will also be demonstrations in Dortmund, Erfurt and Heidelberg today.

It was only on Friday that a corresponding demonstration in Hamburg had to be stopped because there were too many participants on site. It is said that the situation was no longer controllable. The police spoke of 50,000 participants, the organizers of 80,000. One thing is certain: it was full. And that will happen again this weekend, when people take to the streets against the right. What does that look like? We’ll show you this in our picture gallery.

This photo series is continually updated.

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