Protester sentenced to ten months in prison

He is one of 35 people arrested Thursday, March 23 in Toulouse, when the demonstration against the pension reform degenerated into clashes with the police in the Joan of Arc sector. A 28-year-old man, a student special education teacher, was tried on Monday in immediate appearance for “violence against persons holding public authority”, reports France Blue Occitania. Two BAC police officers filed a complaint against him after seeing him throwing projectiles at the police at the corner of rue Bayard and the boulevards.

Pebbles, cobblestone? The defendant affirmed at the bar that it was his water bottle or shards of disencirclement grenades. “I’m not a breaker,” he assured the court, his lawyer ensuring that with his beige pants and without a mask or scarf, he was not part of a black block.

The demonstrator may have regretted his gesture, he was sentenced to ten months in prison. A previous suspended sentence for violence against the police probably weighed in the balance. The Toulousain will serve his sentence under an electronic bracelet.

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