Protection against pollen: The best tips for allergy sufferers

pollen season
Pollen protection grilles for windows: How to improve the air quality in your home

Windows can be retrofitted with a pollen protection grid for allergy sufferers

© Kwangmoozaa / Getty Images

Runny nose, sore throat, itchy eyes: these days, allergy sufferers don’t have it easy. When birch and lime, hazelnut and alder awake in spring, the pollen season begins. In order to improve the air quality in your own four walls, it can make sense to purchase special protective grilles for windows.

In Germany alone, millions of people suffer from a pollen allergy, combined with mild to severe symptoms that can occur seasonally (usually in spring and summer) – in some cases even all year round. While they are completely at the mercy of the tiny particles outdoors, there is certainly the possibility of blocking out a large part of the pollen at home: with a protective grille for windows. Read on to find out exactly how pollen protection grids work and the advantages and disadvantages of the models.

Comparison: pollen screen vs. fly screen

In principle, both variants can be used to make it more difficult for insects to gain access to your own four walls. But what exactly is the difference then? In fact, pollen screens have much finer meshes than fly screens, which are intended to ensure that 80 percent less pollen can penetrate the home. And thus the symptoms of allergy sufferers are significantly reduced – even if not 100 percent. Depending on the provider, different materials are used for the production: such as polyester, fleecealuminum and fiberglass fabric.

The pros and cons of pollen screens

Pollen screens are designed to improve indoor air quality, but they also have their downsides. In the following table you will find the most important cornerstones.



the purchase is comparatively cheap

the view is often clouded

Attaching the pollen screen is easy

the air supply is restricted depending on the material

the materials can usually be cut to size

the glued-on grids can come loose in the wind

the fine meshes are still permeable to air

cleaning is not possible with fixed frames

most models are UV resistant

the quality can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer

the grids keep pollen and insects away

the separation efficiency is not always the same

the materials can often be washed

the pollen load is not reduced by 100 percent

Tip: Read through the following purchase criteria before you buy a pollen screen.

Buying a pollen screen: Important criteria

1. The material
As mentioned at the beginning, different materials are used for the production of pollen protection grids. They differ not only in price, but also in transparency and air permeability. During polyester lets a lot of light through, it has a shorter lifespan than aluminum, for example.

2. The size
There are pollen protection grids that can be cut individually, but there are also prefabricated models with a frame. Custom-made products are also possible, but cost more accordingly. For this reason, you should measure your windows beforehand to find the right pollen screen for your home.

3. The attachment
Depending on the manufacturer, the pollen screens can be easily attached to the windows with Velcro or adhesive tape or magnetic strips. If you choose a model that requires drilling into window frames, you should first ask your landlord for permission if you are renting.

4. The tear strength
Regardless of the material, all pollen screens are actually relatively robust. However, if you keep pets with claws, you should opt for a particularly stable model that is scratch and tear resistant. Here are aluminum mesh or fiberglass fabric more suitable than polyester and fleece.

5. The review
When buying a pollen screen, pay attention to the light transmission. Otherwise it can happen that your rooms are significantly darker after installation than before – which can certainly be an advantage in summer, but is not to everyone’s taste.

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