Prostate enlargement in men: causes, diagnosis, treatment, medication and possible surgery

What are the symptoms of prostate enlargement?

How do you know that you may have an enlarged prostate? The Association “Prostate Help Germany” names these symptoms:

  • frequent and strong urge to urinate (even at night)
  • Problems starting to urinate
  • weak or interrupted urine stream
  • urine drips after urination
  • Feeling that the bladder is never completely empty
  • later possibly incontinence and uncontrolled loss of urine

Which factors promote an enlarged prostate?

Doctors agree: Obesity (belly fat!), high blood pressure, increased blood fats and increased blood sugar levels can cause the prostate to enlarge more quickly. That’s why it’s clear what could help: weight loss, diet and exercise – i.e. a healthy lifestyle.

What helps with mild symptoms?

Preparations made from pumpkin seeds or nettle root are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Important: The use of herbal preparations should also be discussed at your next visit to the doctor.

Also useful in many cases: bladder training. The man tries to hold off the urge and only go to the toilet later. Pelvic floor training is useful to prevent incontinence.

If the disease is not yet advanced, medication can also help. The goal: The drugs are intended to slow down the growth of the prostate or relieve the symptoms. But: Many of the medications have to be taken long-term in order to bring about an improvement.

When does prostate enlargement require surgery?

If none of this helps, an operation on the enlarged prostate gland may be necessary. What all surgical methods have in common is that prostate tissue is removed – for example with a laser or a high-pressure water jet. You can find out which operations are still available here.

Undesirable side effects may temporarily occur after surgery, such as bleeding, incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

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