ProSieben show: Jennifer Weist wins “Masked Singer” as ice princess

ProSieben show
Jennifer Weist wins “Masked Singer” as ice princess

Jennifer Weist is the winner of the 9th season of the Prosieben show “The Masked Singer”. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

The winner of the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer” has been chosen: Ice Princess Jennifer Weist gets the most votes from viewers.

As an ice princess she made everyone melt: singer Jennifer Weist has that Won ProSieben show “The Masked Singer”. The musician – known for example as the front woman of the rock band Jennifer Rostock – received the most votes from the audience. She then took off the mask she had worn on the show to avoid being recognized. Weist was dressed in a graceful ice princess costume with an impressive skirt.

“It was a real honor for me to wear this dress,” said Weist after her victory. Even if singing under the mask wasn’t that easy. “It’s like you’re singing against a wall. And often you don’t get as high as you think,” she reported.

However, the Ice Princess never noticed any problems with her singing. In fact, due to her performances, she was considered the favorite to win even before the final shortly before Christmas Eve. In the end, Weist prevailed over actor Pasquale Aleardi (“Commissioner Dupin”), who was dressed in a huge plush costume called Lulatsch. As the winner of the ninth season, Weist succeeds singer Luca Hänni, who last won the format in a shoebill costume.

In “The Masked Singer” celebrities appear as singers, but hide their true selves behind elaborate costumes. The stars are exposed as soon as they don’t get enough votes – or win at the very end.


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